Is this a rip or not?


I made this layout, and honestly 24-7 gives me lot of ideas and I really do like their style.

So be honest if you think this is a rip, I will try to change it. I myself think that this is not a rip… however people may think differently, so what do you guys think?

this is 24-7

this is mine


No, I don’t think it’s a rip. :wink:

thanks alot wizard… I’m more relaxed now.

I don’t think its even close to being a rip, inspired yes, rip no.

Not even close dude. The border looks alot alike but the rest of the site makes up for it more than enough.

no way.
good job!

Definitely not a rip.

Very nice layout!! :thumb:

Not a rip, not even close. Inspired and not a rip, those are rare out there :slight_smile:

looks like a great site dude

i like 24 7’s style to but urs is not a rip :rabbit:

wow great thanks alot guys :slight_smile: appreciate that.


Nah, its not a rip :slight_smile: I remember Ingo from 24-7 posted that layout a few months back.

Not a rip. Looks good too. :thumb: =)

noway not a rip, but i m going to rip that design off now :bad:

lol, kidding, great work man :slight_smile:

That is so definately a rip man, shame on you! I’m gonna report you to Ingo right now :bad:

[size=1]I’m just messin’ with ya, I got tired of everyone saying the same :P[/size]

off topic: does anyone know what happened to the 24-7 site it wont come up for me just wondering why.

lol hueheuhue thats cool :smiley:

oh i think the site is down



Lol, j/k.

And yes it’s not a rip. Just don’t mention 24-7media when you show this to people, this way it wont come to their mind and they wont compare it to 24-7media ;).


hahaha nice idea, ill do that :smiley:

or… wont do it…

No it isn’t a rip. (could probly put a poll up for this :D)