Is this a 24-7 Rip?

Here is the 24-7 site:

Here is the FlashLevel Site:

Now i am almost 100% sure flash level’s site was first but look at the similiarities, is it pretty obvious or is it just me?

i wouldnt say rip…maybe just like ideas

thats a hell of a lot of ideas, i mean the dark colors, arrows, the little shapes on the sides, the buttons are almost identical… it could go both ways but inspiration was definately used by someone and its pretty obvious

hmmm that is a close call

hmm I dunno, that is a close call. definatly a little too simliar for a co-inkydink.

2 well known studios tho

Similar but not worthy of calling it a rip.

who’s original nowadays?

im trying to be original and have been stuck for 4 months!

i wouldnt call that a rip

“Laugh at what you did today, it’s all been done before.”


I hardly think that’s a rip, and besides, for all you guys know they worked on the sites together and shared ideas. They are friends you know.

yeah, i just thought the two ideas were similiar, thought i should let u guys no. By the way, i think both of the sites really kick ***.

The designs don’t seem like a rip to me either :slight_smile: There are similarities, but they are too minor. It’s not as if they stole an entire header graphic, copied the entire animation and only changed the name, or any other thing that rippers do today.

I don’t think it’s a “rip”, obviously graphics weren’t taken. But a lot of the elements and idea’s are too similiar to be an accident.

Unfulx had a point, maybe they both colabed on it, or openly took some ideas. I’m not accusing anyone of ripping really, but to me certain elements just really stand out as being the same concept.

Wow, I better watch it … Im using shades of grey in my new site. Don’t want to be ripping off some other sites color sceem. Just seems Kind of hard since there are about 10 billion out there. Selects PS layers and presses cnt I. There we are :slight_smile: