[FONT=Arial][SIZE=2][SIZE=2] [FONT=Arial CYR]MSN.com - Saturday March 11 2006
You received this e-mail because someone sent you $200 through MSN Online Transfer Service. To pick up your money, please click here:
[URL=“kirupaForum”]-The URL here takes me to the MSN.com page.
The MSN.com staff [/SIZE]
I’ve gotten this twice, and I can’t even find references about this anywhere…
I thought it was spam, but if it was I should find some references to it…
I haven’t used MSN in a load of months, not even to log in…
Yet according to this I’ve gotten 400$ in there… Some how…:h:
Anyone know of ways to confirm if it’s spam, or if there really is someone sending me money threw MSN…
I’m confused because it looks real, not like some of the other shabby made spam I get here…
This is the senders email [/SIZE][/SIZE][/FONT] From: MSN Online Transfer Service <transfer-services@msn.com>
It’s probably just spam and I’m wishing it isn’t…