Isometric in Flash (MX)


I’m working on an isometric enviroment and found in examples I’ve dowloaded that even though in the code you calculate the sin and cos of 30 degrees (as you should to create an isometric grid); the graphics’ angles are drawn at 26.5 degrees(if drawn at 30 degrees it won’t work). Does anyone know why or point me in the right direction so I can work it out ?



why wont it work?

I can tell you a quick workaround would be to scale the containing movieclip (if there isnt one, make one) down a little along the y to squish it to match the smaller angle


Thanks senocular for the input but I can already make it work (: just draw the graphics at 26.5 degrees).
The point is why when using 30 degrees in the code I’ve to use 26.5 in the graphics. And how do I calculate the compensation if I wan to make the graphics at 30 degrees.
