Isometric tiling issue

Sorry if this is a double post, delete my facebook account post if it appears. I recently changed my isometric tiling code… I’m kind of mystified by whats up with this formula? Working formula… (Sorry, forgot the vbcode for AS3, anyone remind me what it is again? Thanks!)

public class isoMath
public static function colRowToPoint(Col:int, Row:int, tileSizeX:int, tileSizeY:int):Point
var xyPoint = new Point();
xyPoint.x = (Col - Row) * (tileSizeX / 2 + 1);
xyPoint.y = (Col + Row) * (tileSizeY / 2);
return xyPoint;

Formula that I thought would work…
xyPoint.x = (Col - Row) * (tileSizeX / 2); // Notice no +1
xyPoint.y = (Col + Row) * (tileSizeY / 2);

Notice the edges are not aligned properly in this one…
Here is the tile for you to inspect… Yes I am sure my input variables are perfectly correct.

//Game tile size
private var tileSizeX:int = 90;
private var tileSizeY:int = 46;