Issue when tweening from a small object to very large

I’m having a bit of an issue with a couple tweens. Basically, I have a piece of text that has been converted to a shape, made into a movie clip, blah blah… I’m scaling the piece of text until part of it is big enough to cover the entire stage (1600X1200) so obviously, it’s getting pretty huge.

I have a shape tween set up and it seems to work fine until I scale over 5000% then things get wonky. When it animates, it does this really weird deformation thing. Anyway, I can’t seem to figure out how to fix it, but I’d really like to have this effect, as it’s kind of my page transition. If anyone knows how to fix this issue, or handle the animation another way, I’d be much obliged to hear it.

Anyway, I’ve attached the .fla so you can take a look at that if you’d like. Thanks in advance for anyone that can help me out.

index.fla - 0.38MB