Problem with Tweening

Hi there! I’m having some problems with motion tweening in my movie. I’m trying to make it seem as if a character is moving from the camera to the background by using scaling but when I scaled down the size of the symbol in the keyframe at the end of the tween and tried testing it, the animation is not very smooth. The symbol will become smaller as it’s supposed to be but it’s still too big in the frame just before the final keyframe. As a result, the size of the symbol suddenly becomes smaller instead of slowly scaling down. Can anyone help me rectify this problem? Thanks…

Hope my question is clear :slight_smile:

PS: Oh, the tweening also seems to go faster as faster but Easing is set to 0. Any ideas why this is happening as well?

did you try going through the animation frame by frame?
take a look at it that way and see what frame it suddenly
gets smaller on. Its kind of hard to see what the problem is without seeing it…know what I mean. If you cant figure it out
upload it and Ill look at it

I’ve had tweens mess up on me before when changing the condition of the last frame. If I were you, I would remove the tween, remove all the frames except the first keyframe and do it over. That’s what I do - usually solves the prob.

Heh, tried redoing the Tween and it worked!! looks smoother and there isn’t any of the funny size discrepancies. Thanks guys :slight_smile:

cool! :wink:

freddy you are my hero !!!



I do what I can…E1KO - I like your footer - pretty cool!

thanks freddy !!!

and only 2kb in file size !!! :beam:
