Issue with timer trigger

I´m trying to make a as2 version of a date time trigger event. When the date hits 3, 2, and 1 days left it triggers a movieclip - making the movieclip visible and changes the string text within the clip.

somethings missing in my as2 version:

box.onEnterFrame = function(){

 	 var today = new Date();
    var curTime = today.getTime();
    var myFinish = new Date(2012, 10, 3);
    var myFinishTime = myFinish.getTime();
    var timeLeft = myFinishTime-curTime;

if(timeLeft<=259200000 && timeLeft >=172800000)

box.countdown_txt.text = "3 dager igjen";
box.countdown_txt._visible = true;


else if(timeLeft<=172800000 && timeLeft >=86400000)
box.countdown_txt.text = "2 dager igjen";
box.countdown_txt._visible = true;


else if(timeLeft<=86400000 && timeLeft >=0)
box.countdown_txt.text = "Siste dag!";
box.countdown_txt._visible = true;



box._visible = false;