… I’m not sure if I enjoyed this or not. Certainly it’s not the best I’ve seen, but it’s star wars, it’s rappin, and it’s Flash…
I thought it odd that you stated you didn’t know if you liked this or not. Well, now i pheel the same way. It was entertaining though as I sat through the whole thing. cute I guess. Luke was kind of a whiny little ***** though wasn’t he? Doh!
<img src=http://www.ezboard.com/intl/aenglish/images/emoticons/ohwell.gif ALT=":">
Luke:Ewwww, my hand—
Darth: Theres something you must understand…
I like it !! Though I didn’t understand everything at all.
pom 0]
lol… I just found it to be subpar compared to some of the other things I’ve seen… but I tend to be a little too critical of everything.
i had a haha good time :rollin: