Its 6am!

*Originally posted by Soul *
**Yay for Sen :beam:

  • Soul :s: **


NO, its supposed to make you resentful and jealous!

you’re no fun, Im going back to bed. Im exhausted


Hahaha :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

I am resentful and jealous
except I slept too


I have a 6 hour shift at work now :-\ Perhaps I should have got some sleep. I’m going to die, so nice knowing you all waves :frowning:

  • Soul :s:

nice knowing you too baby

you do no theres a world out side…yes :wink:

with people and sunshine (unless you live in England):thumb:

*Originally posted by senocular *
**AH! Good morning wasted sleepy people. Mmm Its a beautiful day; I’ve had PLENTY of sleep and now its time to go out and enjoy myself with all this wonderful energy!

:stuck_out_tongue: **

HA… sleep is so over-rated.

:frowning: i have got a new job…

i will be back before 8pm :slight_smile:

And yes, to make up for lost time, im going to try to pull an all nighter. :stuck_out_tongue:


Alex, where are you working? i dont think i could pull an alnighter, it drives me crazy refreshing every 5 seconds to see that there are 3 new posts.:-\

this really is the saddest thing i have seen since bambi:*( (:wink: )

Well I survived work! And surprisingly I’m less tired now! Its coming upto 36 hours awake I think :-\ Wonder how long I can go lol

  • Soul :s:

go soul go!!!

ya i might surrvive to 3 or 4, but after working all day, im pooped out. lol

darn, im going to have to get going, my mom is kicking me off. It is now 1:45.

next weekend i will pull through :stuck_out_tongue:

good night and farewell everyone!


get some sleep soul (danny, what a cool name dude!)

Well I got some sleep :beam:

At 50 hours. My scientific study is over, you can survive for 50 hours without sleep :P:P

  • Soul :s:


haha, im still going strong, its 12 45 here. and i have been here since 2:30 :stuck_out_tongue:

now its 1:30 :stuck_out_tongue:

its 12:25. got a six pack of yohoos, and im on my friends dial up connection.