It's help the simpleton time again!

evenin’ all - i was wondering if anyone could give me any pointers on how to get some text written in to an input window by the user, to SAVE as a .txt file when the user clicks a ‘save’ button, with the current date as its filename?

theres a tough one (for me at least - most of you are probably yawning)

thanks for your help.

yup yup… check out this thread:

You have to use PHP or ASP (or some other server-side language) to do the writing tho… read thru that thread…

aghh!! it looks like that whole area is going to bugger me sideways. I think for now i’ll just stick with my copy and paste method! :elderly:

thanks for your help anyhow - and btw, the fla in the thread you sent me, wouldnt even generate the txt at-all, all it would do is keep opening the txt blank - plus, i noticed that it was (supposed to be) writing to a txt file that already existed - i need mine to generate a newly titled txt each time, using the date on the user’s computer as the filename.

thanks anyway


You would have to change the PHP in order to make a new text file. Thats not too difficult. Just a few more lines of code on the PHP side.

Also, you have to make sure that you CHMOD the text file. That is why it wasn’t writing to it. I think the values have to be 775 in order for it to write to the file…

i think i have what’s known as ‘16yearold-mx-dyslexia’:stuck_out_tongue:

should that make sense to me!?!? i feel so retarded. i have no idea how to tweak PHP and dont know my CHMOD’ing from my XML’s. I’m 16!!! i hoped this would be a hell of a lot easier - every complex actionscript doohickey i’ve ever used has been pinched from the kirupa tutorials!!!

if i can figure out how to post up my .fla file, would anyone be able to give me some exemplary tweaking?

thanks for your commitment so far jubba, you’re very kind :smiley:

sorry, i think i may have been misleading you slightly aswell - this is a standalone application for use on the desktop, not for publication on a site - is it still possible? or does it have to be online for CHMOD’ing to apply? i have no idea, i just got that gist from the thread you refered me to.
