iTunes nightmare!

I just got the 15 gig iPod and it’s wicked in every almost way possible. the problem is that the only way that you can send tunes to it is through it’s iTunes software, anyone know any other programs for this??? anyways. i install the version that came with it but when i try and lunch it, it gives me a weird error something about the playlist being newer or something, but i have even used any play lists or made any, anyone i downloaded the newest version of itunes form their site, and it works just fine, till i found out that my drives were missing, my dvd and cd-rw!!! so how am i supposed to copy music of my cd’s onto iPod??? well i have uninstallit it and well reinstall it and update the songs and than uninstall it again to be able to use the drives, this sucks!!! anyone have any suggestiongs???



idoik speaks the truth. But i suggest finding a way to get itunes to work. Itunes is a great program.

Thats interesting that it cant find your drives. I would try to uninstall if i were you - then reinstall, should take all of 5 mins.

You could use Music Match but itm ight not work if you are running the latest firm ware on your iPod so beware of that.

Also - you wouldnt be able to buy songs from the MM store and use it on your iPod, so beware there too :smiley:

Im going to move this to Computers and Games while im at it.

well thanks all! ive installed the software tooo many times, and uninstalled it too many times aswell!! im tired of it!! i dont download from itunes, i buy of bittorrent wink wink so that’s not a prob! so musicmatch is the next best thing???


The solution to your problem is the following.

first don’t install the version on the cd you go. the 15gig ipod is not the current version and thus the version of itunes on the cd is not the current version. The playlist error you are getting is because both the itunes and ipod firmwire need to be up-to-date in order to get the correct sync.

The version of itunes you should have is: 4.6


this upgrades your ipod to the current needed ipod software.

After you install these, and upgrade your ipod’s software it will restart.
And then it should work correctly.