Ivan - Round Three


Category 5…

it leveled Granada…the whole nation was declared a “natural disaster.” and is barreling down on all the other islands…

and guess what! it’s headed for Florida… :frowning:

Yeah, I heard about this this morning during english class … must be hard for the people who live there, especially with the previous ones.

you poor buggers in floirda can’t catch a break! That is terrible news, I hope everything has been ok with you and your family.

Is there gonna be anything left of florida ?

Aww - one hurricane is bad enough! Three is just overkill. Hope you and everyone else there is safe from all the rain water :alien:

Do Hurricanes usually maintain their strength by the time they reach Florida?
Meaning: Currently it’s a category 5, do you think it’ll drop before it reaches Florida?

they said its supposed to increase in strength a little - the more warm water it is over, the more favorable it is, also conditions in the area of the stratosphere have to be good too…

so yes they usually keep their strength…

they decrease a little over the bahamas and cuba, but usually gain a little near the keys…if it is in the Gulf of Mexico - they have been known to stall there and just grow…

wow i really feel sorry for all those people. This is getting rediculous, pretty soon florida wont even been an inhabitable place, its going to turn into a nomans land. We even got hit by francis up here in central georgia. All the schools shut down and power was out all over the city.

It’s back up to a Category 5.

Category 5… shmive… You can bench press that thing can’t you PR :wink:

Serious though, isn’t it bending away from Florida right now? Like it might hit the NW of the state as a troical storm later on right?

yeah they have it moving a little to the left now - but thats still aimed at my parents and i LOL - they are further down south, i’m in the panhandle

maybe a kamehameha would work…

I really feel sorry for Floridians (?) at this point. They move out, they move back in to start over, then they have to move out again. Does anyone know if the National Guard has stepped in to help yet? I haven’t been keeping track of the news.

If goes a bit more west, it may go for me and my parents’ home, though it won’t be as strong as what the FL people will get. We’ll simply get drenched in a ton of rain :cap:

I’m supposed to get slightly increased wind speeds. Maybe 5-10 mph faster than normal. :slight_smile:

One of the admins on my website lives in florida and luckily he is ok but he tells me off peoples house’s that are now un inhabitable

i o me o -

this should be interesting…

Better grab something and hold on.

Wow - in the most recent path prediction, it goes directly over Alabama! This will be a close one :slight_smile: Good thing most of the already affected portions of Florida will probably be safe!

yeah central florida couldnt take another one -

at the same time this thing is still a wildcard - with that jetstream this thing could hit anywhere from lower alabama to all of the panhandle…

should know something wednesday night i guess

Yes that’s right…Hurricane Ivan traveled all the way up to Pennsylvania went back out into the Atlantic…crossed central Florida…got into the Gulf…and is STILL SPINNING!

It’s threatening Louisiana and Texas right now …

scary and funny all at the same time…