Ahh my first post ever here!
Been trolling my way around viewing the great info for awhile now…had to create a new account for whatever reason because it wouldn’t let me post…
Anyways this is my first year taking CS and i need some help with my java.
Heres a picture of the problem i am working on:
I’ve written up the class to store the ID…etc i think anyway i might be off a little. like the gets…i don’t know if thats the write way to do it or not…
You can view that here:
Now i know i have to write a program to run the class…and i think i can do most or everything but the loop for this…
I just don’t know where to start it…like if (what) or a do, do-while loop etc…
If anyone can help lead me in the write direction i would greatly appreciate it!
I know i am asking alot…or i think i am, but i am betting there is some java wiz here who can write this simple program in a matter of minutes.
Thanks guys/gals!