Javascript Form Validation Help

Hey Guys,

I am using liveValidation and it works great although i’m just trying to add an IF statement to it, but i can’t seem to get it to work.

Here is my JS:
var firstname = new LiveValidation(‘firstname’, { validMessage: ’ ', wait: 750} );
firstname.add( Validate.Presence, { failureMessage: “Please Complete” } );

        var lastname = new LiveValidation('lastname', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
        lastname.add( Validate.Presence, { failureMessage: "Please Complete" } );
        if ( == "" || document.form.fax == "") {
            var email = new LiveValidation('email', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
            email.add( Validate.Presence, {failureMessage: "Please enter an e-mail address" } );
            email.add( Validate.Email, {failureMessage: "Please enter a correct e-mail address" } ); 
            var fax = new LiveValidation('fax');
            fax.add( Validate.Numericality );
            fax.add( Validate.Presence, {failureMessage: "Please Complete" } );
        } else if ( != "" || document.form.fax != "") {
            var email = new LiveValidation('email', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
            email.add( Validate.Email, {failureMessage: "Please enter a correct e-mail address" } ); 
            var fax = new LiveValidation('fax');
            fax.add( Validate.Numericality );


Any ideas why it won’t work??
All the other ones work except for those last two.

Thanks in advance!

Try just using else, not else if. Just a thought

tried that but they all stopped working then :frowning:

Thanks - any other ideas??

Could be that the form hasn’t loaded when you are referencing values within it. Try putting from the if statement on into a function and calling the function in the onfocus event of the form.

Ok my else if statement is working correctly just not the else statement.

Here is my updated JS

var firstname = new LiveValidation(‘firstname’, { validMessage: ’ ', wait: 750} );
firstname.add( Validate.Presence, { failureMessage: “Please Complete” } );

        var lastname = new LiveValidation('lastname', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
        lastname.add( Validate.Presence, { failureMessage: "Please Complete" } );
		function validate(){
			if (email == "" || fax == "") {
				var email = new LiveValidation('email', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
				email.add( Validate.Presence, {failureMessage: "Please enter an e-mail address" } );
				email.add( Validate.Email, {failureMessage: "Please enter a correct e-mail address" } ); 
				var fax = new LiveValidation('fax');
				fax.add( Validate.Presence, {failureMessage: "Please Complete" } );
				fax.add( Validate.Numericality );
			} else if (email != "" || fax != "") {
				var email = new LiveValidation('email', { validMessage: ' ', wait: 750} );
				email.add( Validate.Email, {failureMessage: "Please enter a correct e-mail address" } ); 
				var fax = new LiveValidation('fax');
				fax.add( Validate.Numericality );


got it working i was using “” instead of null!!


Right on! :beer: