Hi guys,
I’ve spent ages on this with no joy, so thought I’d ask here. I’m trying to validate an email form, say thanks if it’s cool, and then after a short delay (so they can read the thanks), go to a frame. This is what I’ve got:
on (release) {
if(form.uname_txt.text!="" && form.uemail_txt.text!="[EMAIL="%22%20&&%20form.uemail_txt.text.indexOf(%22@%22,0)%3E0"]" && form.uemail_txt.text.indexOf("@",0)>0[/EMAIL] && form.uemail_txt.text.indexOf(".",0)>0){
// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
// to email PHP page which will send the mail
name_txt.text = "name:"
email_txt.text = "email:"
ErrorMessage.text = "Thank you!";
form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
function back(){
Bear in mind that the validation code works fine, and I’ve cut some of it so you don’t have to read it all
Anyway, if I get rid of the “if” statement and just have this:
on (release) {
name_txt.text = "name:"
email_txt.text = "email:"
ErrorMessage.text = "Thank you!";
form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
function back(){
…it works perfectly, but my validation doesn’t work, obviously. How do I get them both working…?