Function in the first frame of the root
[AS]function popup(number,picwidth,pichieght){
getURL(“javascript:var mypopup =‘gallery/’+number+’.htm’,‘mySite’,‘toolbar=0,location=0,directories=0,status=0,menubar=0,scrollbars=0,resizable=1,width=‘picwidth’,height=‘pichieght’,top=’+eval((screen.availHeight - ‘pichieght’) / 3)+’,left=’+eval((screen.availWidth - ‘picwidth’) / 2));mypopup.focus();”);
I have done something like this before. What I did was used JavaScript in the external page
Something like this…
function resize(w, h){
var imgW = document.galleryImage.width;
var imgH = document.galleryImage.height;
var centerWidth = (screen.width) ? (screen.width-imgW)/2 : 0;
var centerHeight = (screen.height) ? (screen.height-imgH)/2 : 0;
window.resizeTo(imgW, imgH);
window.moveTo(centerWidth, centerHeight);
That would be your function, and it would be called onLoad of the page…
<BODY ONLOAD="resize()">
And the image would have to be named “galleryImage” (unless changed in the script)…
<IMG SRC="image.jpg" NAME="galleryImage">
Now of course if you have seperate pages for each image, that will be hassle to add into each page. And that is why for mine I put it in a PHP page, sent the URL to the image via a query string and pull that info in to load the image…
Oh yeah, and note the javascript code repositions the window, I did this because when I used it the window was centered, and changing the window size after it is already centered makes it not so centered.
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