[SIZE=3]Seeker Requirements[/SIZE]
This forum is for the advertisement of developers / designers only. If you have a job offer to make, please post it in the appropriate forum, or you may contact a seeker personally if they have advertised below.
When posting, please give your name, location and company if applicable. Remember that the more details you can provide about your skills and abilities, the more likely you are to find the right jobs for you.
Examples of useful information would be the skills you possess (Flash, HTML, scripting etc) and your level of knowledge for each. Feel free to promote your abilities in design or development. Give URLs or links to your work wherever possible, as this helps potential employers to find the right person.
Please state whether or not you expect to be paid for any work you do. Whilst some members are happy to work for free, others make their living from web design and will require renumeration. Let people know the kind of charge they can expect from you.
We (the moderators) reserve the right to remove any posts that are deemed inappropriate.