[Joboffer] Multiplayergame


i’m planning to develop a game as described in the topic. The basic idea depends on a tactical warfair game. Players meet eachother on the battlefield to fight for honor and glory ;). On the battlefield the Player controls some robots which are equipped with weapons and utilities.

During fights each pilot of a robot gains experience which can be invested into new skills. Further more, every fight brings money to the stash which can be used to buy new pilots, robots, equipment and repairing damaged robots.

I need only a developer who is in charge of the development of the flash game. All other game mechanics will be developed by myself (including game maths).

Some short requirements:

  • Multiplayer
  • Turn based
  • Tile based (6 sided tiles or perhaps 4)
  • 2 players fight against
  • Mapcreation with textfiles
  • Every player has X robots on the battlefield
  • Robots are able to move, shoot, use utitlies, hide, take cover and so on
  • Game maths will be offered by me and will be implemented by the developer. That maths are changeable later without flash experience.
  • direct database access to get the stats of the robots. an interface which returns the pure data can be offered if needed.
  • Ingame chat
  • Players lounge where players can challenge other players (with chat)

Ok, thats the basic stuff.

A more detailed specification will be ready in 1 or 2 weeks.

Anyone who is interesested can send me a pm. In that pm I need a rough price for that thing, some personal information about you (location, age, experience, references).

If you have general questions please post in this topic and i will answer asap.