JPg Pictures?

I think that was the single most frustrating thing about learning the basics of Flash, for me. I know that now, when my fiance runs into these problems she gets infuriated with me when I solve in three seconds what she’s been working for an hour to fix. Sometime around the first year of working with Flash anyone should start to get a sense of when something is a repair issue, or a scrap and overhaul issue. :slight_smile:

how true…

mountains of wisdom in those few words:)


Sometime around the first year of working with Flash anyone should start to get a sense of when something is a repair issue, or a scrap and overhaul issue.

Hmm, I have been flashing for 5 months now and already know that. I think you are setting the bar high…lol :stuck_out_tongue:

It probebly depends upon how hard you’re working with the program too. :stuck_out_tongue: Took me a year, but I was learning html javascript, and image editing in that year as well. Maybe I’m just slow. :slight_smile:

I agree… When you’ve done soemthing once or twice, you start to recognise patterns. Like with Flash 5 tellTargets, I knew that if I got an error come up on one of those, then it was most likely that I had a typo or a clip that wasn’t named in there somewhere.

Anyway, as far as tweens go, what the other guys have said is correct - the more frames you have for the length of the tween, the slower (but smoother) it will be. To get a smooth and fast tween, then you can play around with the fps (frames per second) rate. :slight_smile:

But occasionally it will all go to pot for no apparent reason. No-one knows why. :-\

Hey you think you ask dumb questions???

Well i was just wondering, is that a picture of you?
Is that your eyes we see on the left??

( how bout that as a question!!! )

:stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

That isn’t a stupid question. I have the same question because I think I know those eyes from some where.:stuck_out_tongue:

David is right though there are no stupid questions ( unless you are asking someone if they are stupid). Everyone had to learn this stuff at some point and they had the same questions.:slight_smile:

No, those eyes belong to the Miss Britney Spears :wink: LOL :slight_smile:

(*Note to people here… NO I don’t like her music. But she’s **** HOT!) :wink:

This is a picture of me LOL :slight_smile: Not as hot as Britney, I know :frowning: I’m sorry for the dissapointment

Here’s a little one that used to be my icon

Oops, I did it again… :stuck_out_tongue:

<i> he trips while trying to imitate Brittany’s dance moves </i>

boogie on people :stuck_out_tongue:


<~~~ Having WAY too much fun :wink:

I knew I rememberd those eyes from some where, My Dreams thats the last place I saw them HAHAHA:P

funny… I used to own the domain … until the filthy rich bastards offered me an insane amount of money for it… :bandit:

Money is evil :evil:

but the home theater system it bought is cool :cool: =)

definitely too much fun :smirk:


^^ LOL!! I’m , if you would like to DONATE any of your insanely large amount of money, I’m now excepting them :slight_smile:

you think I have any of it left?

I spent that a long time ago… :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:


Ahh… Smart :stuck_out_tongue: