JS Flash Detect

Can someone help me understand how to merge the JS Flash Detect here… http://blog.deconcept.com/flashobject/ with my Time Script?

It has to do with the +whichFlashFile+ element. I’m a bit stuck.

	Time Settings
function writeFlash() {
	var whichFlashFile = "";
	movieQ = new Array('1', '2', '3', '4');
	movieT = new Array('_a', '_b', '_c', '_d');
	var mydate = new Date();
	var hours = mydate.getHours();
	var months = mydate.getMonth() + 1;
	var limiterM = 12/movieQ.length;
	var limiterH = 24/movieT.length;
	var m = Math.ceil(months/limiterM);
	var h = Math.ceil(hours/limiterH);
	var mo = movieQ[m];
	var ho = movieT[h];
	Set Flash File
	whichFlashFile = mo + ho + '.swf';

	var oeTags = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash"'
	+ 'data="'+whichFlashFile+'"'
	+ 'width="100%" height="100%">'
	+ '<param name="movie" value="'+whichFlashFile+'" />'
 	+ '</object>';

