Wahhhhh :*( I found out today I can’t do the Computer Animation class at uni. Apparently it is full which really sucks. Looks like I’ll have to learn Flash in my spare time :-\
Anyway, Jubba if you are reading…this is going back to your Actionscript Text Animation tutorial. The first problem I came across was to click the “Embed Fonts” button while setting up the dynamic text box. Someone informed me that was from Flash 5, so maybe that’s why I can’t get it working.
The next problem I came across was when I had to do the animation for the letters. I was a bit confused here and wasn’t sure what to do so I looked at your final source and saw the motion tweens that you did with the movie clip…I’m not really sure what you did there or why :q: but I tried copying what you did and still I got a blank screen.
That’s about it so please let me know what I’m doing wrong.
When you first click the movie clip, it has an instance name: “char”. When you double click the movie clip there is another movie clip inside. This has a instance name of: “mcLetter”. When you double click this movie clip, it goes to the dynamic text box’s properties and I’ve got “text” as a variable name.
I’m pretty sure I’ve done that correctly…so yeah let me know what you think please. :-\