Jubba's Tutorial

Wahhhhh :*( I found out today I can’t do the Computer Animation class at uni. Apparently it is full which really sucks. Looks like I’ll have to learn Flash in my spare time :-\

Anyway, Jubba if you are reading…this is going back to your Actionscript Text Animation tutorial. The first problem I came across was to click the “Embed Fonts” button while setting up the dynamic text box. Someone informed me that was from Flash 5, so maybe that’s why I can’t get it working.

The next problem I came across was when I had to do the animation for the letters. I was a bit confused here and wasn’t sure what to do so I looked at your final source and saw the motion tweens that you did with the movie clip…I’m not really sure what you did there or why :q: but I tried copying what you did and still I got a blank screen.

That’s about it so please let me know what I’m doing wrong.


I’m still here Phil, lurking in the shadows of Kirupaland/Kirupavania/Kirupatown whatever you guys call it!! :stuck_out_tongue:

Although I will be off to bed soon, gotta work at 7:30 tomorrow morn!! :sleep:

Woops, I forgot to say thankyou for bringing it up again! :beam:

Nighty night all…see you tomorrow :sleep:

You have to make sure that you have given the MCs the proper instance names. That is the biggest problem that people have…

Ok, well I’ll check that…This is what I’ve done…

When you first click the movie clip, it has an instance name: “char”. When you double click the movie clip there is another movie clip inside. This has a instance name of: “mcLetter”. When you double click this movie clip, it goes to the dynamic text box’s properties and I’ve got “text” as a variable name.

I’m pretty sure I’ve done that correctly…so yeah let me know what you think please. :-\

I would have to see the FLA file.
