Jumping Character not landing on platform properly

Hello all,

Im working on a platform game and Im quite stuck in this puzzle. The character jumps just fine, double jumps and all that is good. But the problem is when it lands on any platform, it doesn’t land on top of it, it sorta lands inside the platform bounding box. I have follow a tutorial online, but I do not get any response from the author and I also seen other people that have commented on the same problem with no response. So I might be able to help them out and help myself in the process.

Thanks in advanced!

Code that controls the collision

// ----- COLLISION : Walls

// Check if player collision points are colliding 
// with the background Collision Layer

if (bg.levelCollision.hitTestPoint(player.x + leftBumpPoint.x,player.y + leftBumpPoint.y,true))
	leftBumping = true;
	leftBumping = false;

if (bg.levelCollision.hitTestPoint(player.x + rightBumpPoint.x,player.y + rightBumpPoint.y,true))
	rightBumping = true;
	rightBumping = false;

if (bg.levelCollision.hitTestPoint(player.x + upBumpPoint.x,player.y + upBumpPoint.y,true))
	upBumping = true;
	upBumping = false;

if (bg.levelCollision.hitTestPoint(player.x + downBumpPoint.x,player.y + downBumpPoint.y,true))
	downBumping = true;
	downBumping = false;

here is some of the code that controls the jump

if (downBumping)

    //if we are touching the floor

    if (ySpeed > 0)
        ySpeed *=  0;

    // Reset double jump variables before each use

    upReleasedInAir = false;//upon landing, reset to false
    doubleJumpReady = true;//upon landing, reset to true

    // and if the jump key is pressed

    if (bPressed)

        //set the y speed to the jump constant
        bPressed = false;// <-- avoid leaving the jumping button on
        ySpeed = jumpConstant;

    // ----- GRAVITY CONTROL
    // If we are not touching the floor
    // accelerate downwards

    ySpeed +=  gravityConstant;

    // This will happen constantly while
    // the character is not touching down.

    if (bPressed == false)
    {// if the player releases the key
        upReleasedInAir = true;// set the variable to true

if (doubleJumpReady && upReleasedInAir)
{// if both variables are true
    if (bPressed)
    {//and if the jump key is pressed
        ySpeed = jumpConstant;//set the y speed to the jump constant
        doubleJumpReady = false;//then, prevent additional double jumps

// ----- Player has a maximum speed limit

if (xSpeed > maxSpeedConstant)
{//moving right
    xSpeed = maxSpeedConstant;

else if (xSpeed < (maxSpeedConstant * -1))
{//moving left
    xSpeed = (maxSpeedConstant * -1);

// ----- Equation to move the Hero/BG smooth
// ----- and stop him with friction as it goes.


xSpeed *=  frictionConstant;
ySpeed *=  frictionConstant;

// ----- Player minimum Speed when it goes below 0.5

if (Math.abs(xSpeed) < 0.5)
    xSpeed = minSpeedConstant;

if (onMovingPlatform == false)

    // ----- Execute the moving BG/Player 

    if (dashTrigger == false)

        scrollX -=  xSpeed;
        scrollY -=  ySpeed;
        bg.x = scrollX;
        bg.y = scrollY;


    if (dashTrigger == true)

        if (lPressed || rPressed || bPressed || aPressed || upReleasedInAir == true)
            xSpeed = xSpeed * 1.5;

            scrollX -=  xSpeed;
            scrollY -=  ySpeed;
            bg.x = scrollX;
            bg.y = scrollY;


            scrollX -=  xSpeed;
            scrollY -=  ySpeed;
            bg.x = scrollX;
            bg.y = scrollY;

