Just built, how do i get of d evidence?

i just built a fire to burn some evidence… :evil:

it went well, fire is a such a great creation… :nerd:

but how do i get rid of dat white ash remnant on d stone garden floor? :-\

don’t tell me to use water, my mum will want to know what i’ve been up2… :bad:

i’ve tried sweeping it up but itz not goin… (-:

if your mum asks any questions, you burn her too.

now dat wud jus get me in2 even more trubbl… :bad:

maybe i will use water, den knock her out senseless if shez cheeky, den by d tym she comz round again, d water will be dried up n she wont rember a ting…


just use a phoenix

—to rise from the ashes

u wot? :q:

soz bt me no comprende dis <i>phoenix</i> u is on about…

surely u not expectin me 2 own dat fire bird ting from harry potter? :cowboy:



try tackling a pottery experiment, bring plenty of clay or plaster… have a ball.


i dint know we all add killer instincts… :bad:

well she came home, but luckily for her, she din’t go in d garden, oooooooo there wud’v bin consequences…

smart move mummy :wink:

lavaboy, i just got wot u said…

i wud vaccum if it dint mean puttin d lives of those teeny weeny ants in danger… (mind u, i tink i singed der asses neway from d fire… hehehehehe… d buggers… :crazy: )

now that we’ve advised about getting rid of evidence, is it about time to ask what it’s evidence of?

didn’t think so. :wink:

like i said before

Friends help friends move
REAL friends help friends move dead bodies
And don’t ask questions. Period.

Just wondering - does this thread seem to freeze up (especially if the server that hosts someone’s footer is down)?