Started a not so bad fire (im so lucky)


I have a really bright lamp i use with a bendable head so i can put the light where i want.

i also have an old leather chair…

somehow the bulb was on the chair (touching it). i went to the little guys room came back, and i saw small flames, and smelt the smoke…

i had a glass of water on my desk that did nothing but make it worse. after pooring a few glasses (ran back and forth to the bathroom) it finally went out.

my mom is fliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiipin on my right now.

im either

  1. really stupid
  2. just have really bad luck

happens man…
once my sister burned down the kitchen

That sucks. My Girlfriend’s Sims did something similar to that last night :stuck_out_tongue:



Ooooh man, I’m really sorry, I just find this funny how you started your story with “OMG”…a bulb touching a leather chair, going to the little guys room and coming back to it on fire.

Whoo good times…

Yea yea I know, it could happen to me and something could happen. But you know you’re gonna look back at that one day and just laugh.

Glad you’re safe :thumb:.

you should of pulled the plug of the lamp first THEN put water on it.


well, i accidentally lit a smokebomb in my house and burnt a hole in the rug. lol

I bet those cat-sized rats had something to do with it…
Watch your back.

My mom once torched the kitchen too… :slight_smile:

My sister once lit my brothers hair on fire… with a lighter.

Sorry, I had no ‘house burning’ incidents in my life :-\