Just drove 450 kms from delhi to punjab

^ is an understatement of how i feel like…

why was the other thread about indian traffice closed…who can have more input then me :smirk2: been driving since i was 10 yr old, its been 17 yrs brave and patient years, combime…reopen…continue this thread who closed the other one and why???

Dang man! I know what it feels like.

When my family goes out for a trip/functions I am the one who drives long stretches!

And most of our trips are to Punjab and Haryana cuz that’s where most my relatives reside.

I can feel the craziness that has crept in. :stuck_out_tongue:

ah its mad plus i am hungry too :frowning:

I usually have to run to La’Loo when I get back :lol:

I’m never hungry during a trip. Cuz whenever I feel so, I just hit the brakes and feed myself silly! :stuck_out_tongue:

Once, I was in Khanna (a place in Punjab for those who don’t know), driving, hungry, and it was around 3 in the morning. I see this Dhaba (tiny little joints along the highway where you can relax and eat. Cheap too :thumb:) and I see the person incharge sleeping on a manjee there and I wake him up and he starts talkin all silly and I can’t stop laughing. So we both got a good mood goin cuz of all the laughter and aaah… I had 10 chapatis past mid-night! :lol:

Punjab’s food is uber-delicious! YUM! :slight_smile:

they kept on talking about other stuff, that’s why i closed it…

And I thought you were just a pixelated-C+±Lover… But NO!

You are Mr. Evil Pixxul!

ah i cant eat at roadside dhabas and certainly cant drink their fake bisleri either…i’v got a fridge in my car still i cant carry much water in it as its full of :beer: :smiley: anyways next time you visit punjab make sure you visit haveli on the way…its a chain of eatouts allover punjab…they;v got old punjab as their theme, everything from music to interior is punjab of 1940’s its just amazing, i clicked some pics from my fone too…don have the date cable atm will post them when i reach delhi :smiley:

damn spammers, i hate this…every desi thread turns out to useless and unrelated crap :mad:

appeal to mr phoniex and jaya etc…please stay on topic or just dont post!!

First off: Learn to spell my name :stuck_out_tongue:

Secondly, the Desi thread was waaaaaaaaaaaay full of spam even before I had “dicovered” it. Please do not blame me! :stuck_out_tongue:

That’s like 270 miles, about how much I drive to Uni from London to Manchester.

I always stop like twice, once for a Burger King :stuck_out_tongue:

firstly after driving that much one is entitled to make major mistakes on computer spelling mistake should’nt be a big deal and secondly maybe that thread was full of spam already but you are helping it become more and more spam…thread maybe pointless rightnow too but lets say its now meant to talk about desi’s, fun talk which should be fun for everyone and not just a couple of people who can share similar jokes on im’s too…

@ butters : i bet you’d stop every half an hour after driving on this highway…driving in here is just a bigass huge mess, its not like you are doing 90 miles nonstop in your lane :lol:

Hmmm… Jas, you are giving me nothing but crap. Utter crap. Your thread title itself quite qualifies as spam.

So you drive for 450 kms at a stretch and are hungry, tired and all that. What do you want us do? Write a tute about how to drive long hours and not get tired? Sheesh man! Get a grip. You open such a random, general discussion thread and when coupla people make sucessive posts you say it’s all becoming spam so you go ahead and open up another thread.

Sorry if I sound rude but you’re not acting your age and I’ve been observing that for quite some time now.

Plus, what do you want a “Desi” thread for anyway? A place for everyone to have a fun discussion and laugh around isn’t it? Well, since there aren’t too many Desi’s here and no matter how many there are, they’re not all online at the same time. Meaning, those who are online at the same time may/will make successive posts thereby making the thread seem to be used by only a few people. (Ever wondered why the post count doesn’t go up in Random?)

Anyway, good luck with your thread and I hope you learn how to not get tired and hungry.

Om Shanti Shanti.


I cant say I know the feeling, as I cant drive yet :(, but it sounds like quite the journey :stuck_out_tongue:

^ is the kinda reply i expected…people to share their experiences on long endless drives, its not spam its random and people actually have a lots to talk about and for acting up my own age…anyone can be my guest and analyse me and you ad behavior on different threads, i visit allover but post where my input helps ( i post useless whn i am pissed and at home late nights) but everyone who knows me takes it as a joke and apperantly everyone knows me… its not that i dont spam but i dont do that always and specially stretching out dead threads for useless reasons as you and your spam gang does on that thread… anyways this thread if you count as a spam will make more sense to people who 'd love to share their driving experiences and thats random…not teasing and joking about…

anyways cya around…

dont give me a bad name. i m not a spammer.
i dont have any intention to spam.
i did not even wanted to post here but i had to - to prove myself.

edit: by pulling others leg u cannt raise

who the hell are you???

huh? :h:

lol some J guy/girl i dont know who it was…said somethin like i am not a spammer or watever i 'v never ever seen that person before…anyways then i got a pm message saying i deleted my post…u delete urs but i am way too lazy :lol:

ok again i went to a differet part of punjab…its huge man… i mean another 80 km drive up and back and i did’nt even crosss punjab’s border…visited a traditional restauaunt for lunch, it was amazing :smiley:

bas drive hee kartay rahna tum …bah…:stuck_out_tongue:
so show me pics when u get back…and u better take some pics :stuck_out_tongue: