Just for learning purposes

I was just following some PS tuts to learn more about it and this came out (please consider I’m no PS expert…yet :slight_smile: )

Like it?

looks pretty good. the left line on the left side panel is pixelated, but its a nice start.

She’s hot.


I’m not sure how to get rid of those jagged edges. I already blurred it just a tiny bit, but I guess there must be some other way.
Anyway, jaggies or not, she is still hot I guess :slight_smile:

yeah other than the left edge it’s purty good.

use a alpha channel to get rid of the jaggies. Sometime if you rotate the angle a lil bi that helps also…but it looks good…gj.

Very nice, Arjen =)

Hot girl too :wink:

I like it but it looks like there is slightly more color than grayscale on the face so it loses a lot of the symmetry. It just sort of bothers me, but it isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Other than that I like it.

So far so good, nice work. A slight Gaussian Blur applied to the left side will also reduce the jaggies as well. =)

Thanks for all the comments. =)

I’ll see what I can do to improve it tomorrow. Right now it’s time for a beer.

Cheers. :stuck_out_tongue: