Just messing around

just got swift v3 this morning and had a play around what do you reckon?

I moved this thread to Drawing and Design so that it would get more attention. =)

That rendering looks good by the way. =)

nobody likes it?

what rendering process is that ???
i thought the swift softwares only did vector (flash) rendering ? But this looks like it has nice reflections ??!

no the version 3 has a raster render function. you can import environments that will reflect in the chrome. Its a cool update on v2!

jepe, that looks cool. I didn’t know, that swift could do such stuf…

Cool! Nice chromage! What is it! Mickey Mouse? :stuck_out_tongue:

I dont get Swift3d3 at all. How did you do this? Link somewhere I can go?

i never bothered to upgrade… cos i thought it would be more of the same and i started to save for a bigger and better program… but then lost sight of my goal… :cyclops:

looks sweet though… i may just upgrade later on in life… :tie:

mmmmm Jello… :crazy:

Anywho, it looks great man. I got a chance to use Swift3D V2 a while back and that program confused the heck outta me, I have no clue how you created such a thing… nice work though.

yes please post up a tutorial you know of or how you did it, i gave up on the program because it was just too finicky.


what does it mean?

finicky means that it requires a lot of effort to work with… aka it’s a pain in the arse.

ah right so its abit like piles? :slight_smile:

i just though these examples would demystify whats swift 3d can do :slight_smile:

one of the models you will learn how to create in this book:

i saw a couple more that were just impressive, unfortunately that guy’s site is down and i cant view them anymore…

have fun :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Starpromo *
**ah right so its abit like piles? :slight_smile: **

Piles? Never heard that one, but finicky is a real word meaning the definition I stated :stuck_out_tongue:

ahmed: :!: thats some awesome stuff that program can do.

youve never heard of piles… ah well you probably wouldnt get my joke…

its an *** disease… search for it on the net or something, but be prepared to be sick…

it was funny at the time. :sure:

don’t worry starpromo… i understood what you were saying :slight_smile:

but i wish i hadn’t :stuck_out_tongue:

Im glad I don’t. Now that you say that, it sounds familiar, I still don’t know what it is, but I have heard it before.

Don’t tell me what it is, I have no desire to know.