Hello all. I am new here, obviously. But just wanted to say hello. I stumbled across this site while looking for information on a certain flash animation I wanted to learn, I still haven’t found it, but hey, maybe some of you could help me out. I am really new at flash, so my input is not going to be in the help section, unless I am asking for it. I hope that is cool. well till then. :goatee:
Hey what’s up ijerry?!
Hope you have an awesome stay at these forums…
The name is Marz… Nice to meet ya… If you ever need any Flash MX, PHP, ASP or anything in general… Gimme a shout.
Right on. Thanks guys. I will be around for a while. I just started a psuedo company to do web design, DVD authoring, and Photography. I needed the tax write off. I won’t post that site until asked. I don’t like to join new forums and then link to my stuff. It just doesn’t feel right. Anyway. I have just gone through the flash tutuorials, and get most of it. Enough to be dangerous anyway. But back to my original idea, for me to really make this company thing feasable, I should perhaps learn a lot more.
This seemed like a friendly site with a lot of talented people. I catch on quick, so I hope to contribute here as well, when I can.
becareful with the random section of this forum… you can be traped here and never find your way out, like me, coz all the exits are randomly placed, and once you enter you have to find a new way out
I´m sure that all your questions will be fully answered, and in no time you will be helping :cof: [SIZE=1]spamming[/SIZE] :cof: ppl here =)
Cheers :bounce:
[SIZE=7]Welcome to the forum ijerry!![/SIZE]
[SIZE=2]© electrongeek[/SIZE]
Good to have you aboard, I hope you’ll get all your questions answered here. =)