Just wondering

Ok Philbert

::Lostinbeta leaves door cracked so light shines in::

Goodnight Philbert.

You guys are <i>mad</i>. :slight_smile:

I just though they were crazy and dillusional, but again I could be wrong, they might be psychotic…


Hehe, this from Mr Shiznoodle himself. :beam:

Fa Shizzle me Dan Dizzle my nizzle…

Kitiara catizzle fiznizzle fa sho pizzle?

By the way, I’ll invite some people I know from other forums to vote on your line art battle, I don’t like the other one as much, his detail lacks, he has a cool knight, but anyone can be creative, it’s all put into how well you can put that creativity into a visual scape, good luck kit. You deserve to win that battle, not enough members here understand line art, including me! :wink:

Thanks very much. :slight_smile: I’m glad people like that dragon. I think the other guy had a great idea putting a knight in there and doing a more action type picture - I reckon that’s what a lot of people like, and I can’t really blame them… Would be nice to win, I have to admit, but we’ll see what the Kirupians think. :slight_smile:

Fa Shizzle me Dan Dizzle my nizzle…
Kitiara catizzle fiznizzle fa sho pizzle?

I have <i>no</i> idea what this means. :o Is it like a haiku? :slight_smile:

It is just a group of letters and vowels with -izzle added to them. I’m sure it could make sense if I put more time into thinking about it, but that was kind of just random.

Yea, action is cool for a battle, but detail and precision is much more important to me. I voted for you, enough said, colorand drawing just worked for me. It wasn’t even a hard decision between the two! You will win, I am sure he vote will turn around when I get some actual real artists from other forums to vote and maybe join for kirupa too.

Well it is time for me to sleep, it is 4:00AM and I have to be at school at 7:30AM, time for sleep :wink:

g’night kit :sleep: <~~~ me in like 5 min

Night. Enjoy the three hours of kip you’ll get… :slight_smile:

Jeez, It’s just gone 11am here, and I’ve been at work for 2 hours. Time gap!

it’s 12:30 here :slight_smile:

Of course… Denmark is an hour ahead of me. :slight_smile:

Hey Phil:

Senocular and Thoripes are on both at the same time right now.

i can be on two computers…i do have an internet hub running right now…

Yes you could, but one thing Phil stated earlier was that you two were never ever on at the same time.

So I am just cancelling that out for him.

Thank you for keeping him occupied :wink:

exactly what i was trying to achieve.