Just wondering

how can senocular post such long posts? Aren’t members limited to 1000 characters?

check it out: http://www.kirupaforum.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=12059

It’s humongous :!:

I don’t know, but he has a lot of courage :slight_smile: I tried to write something about trigonometry, but it’s a real pain in the butt. I’m amazed :!:

Yeah, I see him in Top Secret a lot. More than just a fluke by clicking a link in the New Posts area. I see him in there at least once a day. Sometimes for long periods of time.

Fishy Fishy.

But anywho, senocular sure knows his stuff alright, but read the thread about venting in here.

I haven’t seen him in top secret yet, but on the other hand, I don’t view the “online” page as much as I used to…

Something about him is odd, I can feel it… ever since he barged into that thread and indirectly stated, that I suck at coding…

What does it mean when it says “viewing forum” and then nothing? There should be a forum name after that, right?

Or was it a glitch? Or the top secret section?


I don’t check the Who’s Online section myself all that much, but I’ve seen a lot of his posts recently. As someone’s already stated, he seems to know his stuff (I wouldn’t touch trigonometry with a 5 foot barge pole) but being disrespectful of other coders isn’t on.

Anyone who insults the worm will answer to me. :evil:

And Phil, you’ve changed your avatar…

Ohh, bodyguards :beam:

narjs… lol

And philboi, that avatar looks weird… kinda like the shizznit on brittlebones…

LOL :stuck_out_tongue:

What <i>is</i> it with this shiznoodle stuff?

You’re all confusing the bejeezuz out of me… :q:

Inquiring minds want to know!

:stuck_out_tongue: I like talking like Phildo!

By the way, my dad’s name is Phil, are you Italian too? Jayhan doesn’t sound Italian to me!

Me and my fellow Alu’s are spread over New York, Jersey, and Italy (Sicily and surrounding areas north of there, which is everywhere) :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Philbert… you really had to look that up???

I knew what it meant, but also… His avatar is a 6 (celeverly designed) and his footer is eyes.

Put that together… 6 eyes :wink:

No, I don’t think he is a mod here. Kirupa of all people would know, and his name doesn’t come up bold in the Who’s Online list.

Also, Senocular is a member of Layer51, I see his prototypes there all the time.

The username is what is Moderator, not the IP.

Thoripes cannot be Senocular, even if he was signed in both, just because Thoripes creates another name, that name does not automatically become a Moderator, because to register a new name you cannot be logged in. Therefore the forum will not even know it was Thoripes.

Their IPs have the same trace because they live in the same area :wink:

Yes, but as all cops, lawyers and judges will need…


Besides, senocular isn’t a mod, Thor is. Even if Thor is senocular, senocular doesn’t have mod powers, hence no modding.

But notice… Senocular stays in the Top Secret section, NOT in any of the threads here. I have never seen him reading a thread in this section, just being in this section in general, so he could be staring at a page that says he has no access for that amount of time.

Ok, but Thor never posts in this section, I am not sure he even knows it exists.

And BTW: YOU ARE PARANOID!!! Creating conspiracies that make no sense…lol. If you are so dead set that senocular is thoripes then why are you worried that senocular views the Top Secret section all the time?

I would figure Thoripes would want to take the credit for posting the stuff he posts.

You said it yourself that when a mod posts in here it shows up in the New Posts lists, and also through the Who’s Online section (accessible by anyone on the forum) anyone could see if you are in the Who’s Online section. That could be how he found out.

Yes I find it fishy how he hangs out in the Top Secret section, but he never enters any threads in here, so I find nothing to worry about.

You are letting those 5 beers you said you had get to you, get some sleep man :geek:

Ok ok ok, fine, there is a whole big conspiracy with senocular and the council of kirupa… now go to bed :-\ :stuck_out_tongue:

Once upon a time there was this girl named Philbertha, and she went on a trip to her grandmothers house with a basket and a red cloak, she got there and the lights were off, Philberta was then eaten by a wolf…

The End…

Goodnight Phil :slight_smile: