Is that the same senocular who’s active @ layer51 ?
just out of curiosity… (killed the cat, but not the eyez…)
Well even though you asked Senocular… I am nosey and don’t like to mind my own business so…
Yes… yes he is the same Senocular as the one at layer51 =)
:secretly follows lostinbeta to see who else he stalks:
Can someone stalk themself?
Or better yet… can someone stalk their other personality?
I know at times Ive been beside myself, but Im not sure about behind myself.
I will just pretend that came out wrong and hide my Philly gutter mind.
Do all the mods have stalkers and want to marry each other?
NO!.. well… NO … n… ok yes.
Thought so.
Two new fields on the personal profile:
Currently Stalking:
Recently Stalked By:
It works for me. :beam:
Then Lost and Ilyas and everybody could officially stalk each other.
*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Do all the mods have stalkers and want to marry each other?**
Um… No. I dont even have a stalker. I guess I havent answered enough preloader questions, or scene questions. Maybe If I prepare a tut on it… hmm… Hmmmm… Nah!
Maybe you’ve got a secret stalker?
I’m sure someone will volunteer for the job. Phil?
That’s OK, I’ll put you in my Stalk list :evil:
See? And I’ll be a backup in case Ilyas is off sick.
I don’t suppose we can edit the profiles to add those fields… ? :beam:
Sen stalks me… and I stalk Ilyas :love:
And Kit: That 2 new profile fields idea is truely BRILLIANT as Sen said :beam: (hint hint kirupa…hehehe)
It’s a stalking circle. :beam:
Sen stalks Lost, Lost stalks Ilyas… I don’t know who <i>he</i> stalks though. Soul stalks me, and Phil stalks everybody. I think that’s about it.
Rev might be stalking you back.
Well he <i>might</i>.
I’m sure you have your fair share of stalkers, Phil. Or should I say ‘phair share’?
mdipi stalks you Phil