i have data entered in the combobox as just a number … so it will gotoAndStop on whatever the number is corresponding to that frame within the mc named mapview … it’s instance name on the main timeline is map
i tried saying … _root.map.gotoAndStop … as well … but that’s not working either … what am i doing wrong … i can post an example if necessary . but the file is kinda large
also … one thing i just thought of … in the mc “mapview” i have all the frames labeled with their names … exactly as they are in the labels for the combobox. is it possible to write a script that goes to the frame with the label corresponding to the selected name in the combobox … or would it just be easier to tell it to go to a frame number like i’m currently trying to do?
So-so… exams are coming really fast, I don’t know anything, I flash too much, and I’m going to have a head ache for 3 weeks after all the C++ I have done this week. That language is just too much trouble for me.
So, what’s the site about? And does it mean you’ve just finished one? Can we see it
all the stuff I’ve done is Internal for a financial institution, so they dont let us share. I am doing a new site for a development company. I just got it today. I did another one a looooooooong time ago in html, but it is just funny dreamweaver stuff. Very outdated the moment I finished it.
Man I really have to work on my site. I have a few ideas, but it’s all messy and pretty much impossible to do. It’s really frustrating, so I guess I’ll leave that for later, when I have time…
prototype sounds right… Im trying to get the cobwebs out of my head. My first thought was a couple of functions. I guess the trick is that it should invoke onpress and onEnterframe in order to work correctly. Right? Sounds right…
i did the trace like you said pom … and it returned nothing … what do i do?
here’s the code i have on the frame containing the combobox instance
//this is the control funtion for the Divisions combo box
onChange = function (divisions) {
trace (divisions.getselecteditem().data);
hhahahah… you can just leave them, Shuga. It should work. If you have problems with it, email to me at iammontoya@hotmail.com and let me know here that you did that, please.
Pom, you crack me up. I keep refreshing to see if you’re prototype comes up… I think Im too fried today! hahah