K-team2 :: Audio Player

It truly is a site to see my friend… Cause it very rarely happens…


Marz designing??

You would be suprised, Ive seen some nice stuff for Marz, considering how much he hates designers , lol :stuck_out_tongue:


Okay… I’m not a designer… I’ll put that straight forward… But I’m rather impressed with myself in this application… Please don’t be too harsh :slight_smile:

Please post any thoughts and replies.

:::::Nice eq design on the left will look very intresting

wow :!:

i´m not impressed with the design per se, tho is really good, what strikes me is the eq display… i never seen one like it, very original… COOL =)

way to go playa! :A+:

I’m not a designer so that’s about the best I can do in 30 minutes of thinking… hehe


Hey all , been heaps busy lately but I have been able to squeeze in some more designs for the kteam audio player.

These are called the Circular range and are based on playamarz’s design in which he had a circular eq design.


::::Just a note:::::::

The more ideas the better, it will make it easier for the team to select a style and go along with it.

These are not finals , All the audio player concepts i have posted are not finals, the design does not stop here. when the style is selected then nav and other element will be tuned. They can even be a mix and match , selecting elements from other concept and placing them on others.

Hope to see some more design from others!


I liked C the best…

skinnable player?

i like c the best as well… good job soulty! :A+:

i think we´re ready to develop our player looks based on one of those designs.
we have to hurry on that, coz we´re way behind the schedule…

after we choose the look, we can better it up, and make it avaliable to the team´s programers.

again,… good job soulty! =)

[size=1](Rah rah rah!)[/size]

*Originally posted by senocular *
**skinnable player? **

well… could be… b ut i think is best for us to finish a regular version first, and then we can work on skins and stuff…

*Originally posted by senocular *
**[size=1](Rah rah rah!)[/size] **

what is that, my lovely (and promiscuous) cheerleader? :love:


just a generic cheer :slight_smile:

In terms of skinning it would be a matter or outlining what elements are needed to make up the player, their approximate size/demensions and relations to others… with that in mind, it might be easier for others to design a … design, around that framework. - if that makes any sense

kool, I will wait till one is selected, My job is done…for now :slight_smile:


::about the skinnable player, i didnt really mean that, i was just saying that in the idea phase you could select one concept idea onto another concept idea.

Skinable will be too hard for the moment, we need to lay down the tech work before we know any size requirements.

Skinnable after we get the main layout won’t be too hard…

But for right now… This is great :wink:
