KTeam 1 - Site Designs

This is mostly for the attention of the people in KTeam 1, who are working on the website. Other people are welcome to comment on what gets posted here however, so don’t be shy.

Alright designers, when you’ve had a play around with some ideas for this site, please post them here so we can see them. They don’t have to be complete, they don’t have to be fantastic, just give us an idea of how you see the site.

To get the ball rolling, I’ve attached a design I made this afternoon. As someone in the team suggested, it’s based around the current kirupa site.

i like that. :rambo:

yep … clean and simple. i like it too =)

Looks good kit…

About the design… The top right corner is rather open… Just wodnering if you had any thoguhts on what you could put up in that splotch…

As for the Menu splotch… I like the way it’s presented… Clean cut and smooth…

At the very bottom… Another nav bar or something like that?

Very clean :slight_smile:

nice 1…

I like it …

very minimal, clean, and easy on the eye…

nice colourscheme as well…

should minimal just be spelt “m”?

::::: AnOraK :::::

kit thats *****in that wud be awesome for both html and flash it would work proper well in both. Maybe in the space thats a little open in the top we could maybe have a banner etc

ill get back with a design asap wont be special and prob wont be clean lol but shud be able to get the idea


p.s good work

Wow, I never expected such a positive response for this… :slight_smile:

To be honest I didn’t spend too much time on it as I was supposed to be working, but I had the idea of the side panel bit with the grid holding some kind of outlines of people in line art - walking across or something in a Flash version, static in the HTML - to symbolise us… When you got to the About Us bit, then each person would have their own line art type person next to their info… If we could manipulate them in Flash that would be fantastic. :slight_smile:

Marz, you’re right about the top right corner… It’s a bit blank. Any bright ideas on what (if anything) to put there? The bottom bar… I’m not sure what to do with it, but I know the page looks better with it there, if you see what I mean? Again, any clever thoughts welcomed.

Yeah, so if any of you like this one, take it away and make your own modifications and mock ups. Or rip it to shreds and come up with new stuff. :slight_smile:

ive been workin on some designs but they just end up ****in awful dunno y they just aint working but im goin for a html one not flash im better in flash but i just cant be arsed with flash tonight lol

I’m thinking…

Top right corner with the kirupa.com banner type deal… SOmehting to promote kirupa…

Bottom bar… Some kind-a advanced nav bar for the kteam to work through… Or somehtign snazzy if you aren’t on the kteam…

As for the line art idea. I lvoe it… And it’ll give our artists somehting to do…

*Originally posted by Kitiara *
**Any bright ideas on what (if anything) to put there? The bottom bar… **
… hm… not sure if this is exactly bright, but shouldn’t a kteam member log-on box should be on that space at the top…? =)

Good point, forgotton about a login thingy… I’ll add some more stuff to this design today. Maybe get an outline figure drawn if I have the time… What am I saying? I’m at work, of course I’ll have the time.

In the meantime, if anyone else has got stuff, please post it!

hey kit i just thought on ur design wheres the audio player gonna go im sure u got it figured but thought id ask






<b>Kitiara scurries back to Photoshop</b>

yeh i know what u mean kit im havin trouble finsing sumwher to fit it specially when you dunno how big its gonna be or how its designed

From what I’ve gathered, it’s going to be big, so will probably need a page to itself. I’m planning on putting a little graphic equaliser kind of thing on the front page as a link, so when you click on that you get the full player.

Looks great kit - very simple and streamlined.

Excellent work!

Glad people like this. I am adding a few bits and pieces as we speak.

There’s going to be people in the side bar, and more content in the blank space. I’ll post the next version soon as it’s done. :slight_smile:

In fact, here’s an update now… :slight_smile:

The people at the side aren’t supposed to be accurate representations / poses of the Team. They’re just some of my photo tracings to give a rough idea. If it were Flash, these guys would be walking, moving… Animating.

OK, I’ll fiddle around with the centre section… :slight_smile: