K-TEAM 2 -- Audio Player

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[COLOR=white]**If you´re not part of any K-Team, or if don´t even know what a K-Team is… plz don´t vote in this pool, and plz don´t post in this thread.

Thanks ;)**[/COLOR]


Gather up K-teams… let´s choose now the looks of our player, so our designers team can improve it and make it avaliable to the programers as fast as we can.

You may vote in more than one entry.
See the options here: Soulty´s work

is soulty the only one who did something ? ;p

a mixture of D and E would be cool! I like the volume thing in D and the tracklist in E so something in between would be great!

Can I vote? :stuck_out_tongue:

  • Soul :s:

Nah… he’s not the only one… I did like… One design… It was enough to inspire him about the circular eq… lmao

playamarz :player:

ps… I picked C

don´t be so humble playa… you did an awesome design, and you inspired us all with you circular equalizer.

not to mention the huge push you gave us to start the k-teams :wink:

soul: are you in any k-team, if you are then you can post and vote, if not…


Wow i gotta say that kt2 symbol is the sh!t!

yeah man that is off the hoook! and i like the last one the best~!

Kool everything is rolling , i didnt know there was a poll!!

Glad everyone likes the concepts :slight_smile:

::can I vote :-\

*Originally posted by morse *
**Wow i gotta say that kt2 symbol is the sh!t! **

Thanks. A little something I created to showcase the audio player designs. Created in illustrator and Swift3d.

Keep the votes coming!! :beam:



I voted D. I liked the dissymetry.

wheres the option for K ? =)