Keeping a score in AS 2.0

Hi all - help needed if possible in Flash CS4.

I’ve recently returned to Flash after a few years hiatus, and so am more than a little rusty.

I’m currently developing a simple quiz. Each question has a right and wrong answer, and I want a text box to display the ongoing score.

At present, I have the following code for the first question (which is on frame 3):


var score:Number = 0;
var score = scoreBox.text;

function addScore() {
if (answer==‘true’){

smith01.onPress = function() {

young01.onPress = function() {

[COLOR=Black]The variable [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]score[/COLOR][COLOR=Black] is, funnily enough, the score. The dynamic text box [/COLOR][COLOR=Blue]scoreBox.text [/COLOR]is where I want the score to be displayed.

[COLOR=Black][COLOR=Blue]smith01[/COLOR] is the button to be clicked for the right answer (which scores 1 point and progresses the user to the next frame), [COLOR=Blue]young01[/COLOR] the button for the wrong answer (which scores no pints and progresses the user to 2 frames on). [/COLOR]

I fully realise that I’m doing something blatantly wrong here - I would appreciate any help anyone could give, and am also quite happy to be ridiculed for my lack of knowledge!

Thanks in advance
