Need Urgent Help with Scoreing System

First off, I am using Adobe Flash CS3. Action Script 3.0. I have been researching for about 16+ hours a day for almost a week now, and NOBODY has code that works in Flash CS3, Action Script 3.0. This is all I want to do. Make a simple score board. How hard is that for these so called “Pro’s” with action script? Here is what I have:

Static Text Box
Dynamic Text Box -(Instance name of: Score_txt)

I changed my curser to crosshairs. All i want to do is click the Target_mc, have it dissapear, Then add to my score of what ever number I see fit. Say 500 for example. So, I click Target_mc, It dissapears and now my score says 500. If I have multiple Targets, each one I click, should add 500 to my score. And if I have different targets, I want to be able to set a value to them as well. Say, I have targets valued at: 100, 500, 1000. Which ever I click, the target disapears, and that score value is displayed on my score.

Now, I have tried a billion different ways. Declaring variables, using the _root (which CS3 AS3 DOES NOT RECOGINIZE) I have tried everything off of every gameing site known to man kind. Please, if there is someone out there who can help, email me ( some code to make this so called “simple” scoreing system. Much thanks.

-Semper Fi-