Keeping the stage centered

i m using this script

**var stageListener:Object = new Object ();
stageListener.onResize = function ()
stageSize_txt.text = “Stage.width:” + Stage.width + " Stage.height:" + Stage.height;

// position mc's
tl_mc._x = tl_mc._y = 0;
tr_mc._x = Stage.width - tr_mc._width;
tr_mc._y = 0;
bl_mc._x = 0;
bl_mc._y = Stage.height - bl_mc._height;
br_mc._x = Stage.width - br_mc._width;
br_mc._y = Stage.height - br_mc._height;

Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.addListener (stageListener);
// call resize function

**in a full screen flash page, to keep some mc in the corners of the browser. and now my stage doesn’t stay centered anymore. if i change **Stage.align = “TL”; **to **Stage.align = “MC”; **the stage will center itself, but the mc from the corners move with it to.can it be done?please help :smiley: again