hi! i have align the stage of this site in the middle.the swf scales 100% to the browser.i use this script to align the other things to the corners.but then the stage won t align to center.anyone can help?i have to finish until tomorow.for school.please help.here s the script:
**var stageListener:Object = new Object ();
stageListener.onResize = function ()
stageSize_txt.text = “Stage.width:” + Stage.width + " Stage.height:" + Stage.height;
// position mc's
tl_mc._x = tl_mc._y = 0;
tr_mc._x = Stage.width - tr_mc._width;
tr_mc._y = 0;
bl_mc._x = 0;
bl_mc._y = Stage.height - bl_mc._height;
br_mc._x = Stage.width - br_mc._width;
br_mc._y = Stage.height - br_mc._height;
Stage.scaleMode = “noScale”;
Stage.align = “TL”;
Stage.addListener (stageListener);
// call resize function