I was looking for mp3’s, the old school electro albums breakdance!!!
anyone know of any good mp3 links?
I came across this, and thought it was kinda kewl
Oh yea! Try this one…Same thing only way alot cooler!
but the rabbit guy shows up here every few months when someone new finds him. Same thing with this link, if I remember correctly, either Pom or Kirupa posted the rabbit guy after I posted this one. But mines better…na na na na na
wassup bottom-feeder? (long for lobstar)
Oh yea! Try this one…Same thing only way alot cooler!
but the rabbit guy shows up here every few months when someone new finds him. Same thing with this link, if I remember correctly, either Pom or Kirupa posted the rabbit guy after I posted this one. But mines better…na na na na na
wassup bottom-feeder? (long for lobstar)
btw-try b e a r s h a r e d o t c o m
its where I got all my mp3’s (the ones, that are of course, in the public domain)-but don’t bring it up again as this falls under hacking if I remember correctly-I don’t think Dave or Kirupa will notice the name I left because I spaced it out and spelled out dot. Plus I am sure you meant mp3’s that are in the public domain & NOT copyrighted, RIGHT???
how the hell did that happen? notice there is no editing done after publishing. And different messages too-
hey phil I like thay link! very kewl yes also glad to see your site looking so good, it’s full to the brim with content!!
I still cant find the mp3’s I’m after, I fear that alot of the good folk in here are to young. (could be wrong though)
what tunes are you into phil? past and present
Well Lobstars-
You must realize that I am old and am going to die soon, so it is a bit different music than your used to. I like stuff like, well any oldies (dur) Fleetwood Mac, Styx, Journey, Im a christian but don’t like christian music (it’s evil) and moving into the 80’s I like the @#%$ Pistols, 38 Special, REM, Goo Goo dolls, Cranberries, U2, yada yada yada-methinks you get the idea-soft wussy music, cause Im a wuss. I grew up on motown. geesh, does that ever age me
Take your time there. I think theirs is a selection bigger than just about anyone else. You’ll find that public domain song your looking for.
Next time your there, take a look at the articles I did called; the manhattan massacre-1 & 2. I am curious in getting feedback from anyone on how good or bad they are. Feel free to critique, if you think theres something about them I can improve.
Hey Simon. Long time no see. How ya been? e-mail me if ya get a chance. I finally got my wacom…
some nice bands phil, I also like most of em as I’m in my thirty’s if I’m right I reckon your around 40ish? they say that life begins at 40 so it’s only just begun for you
I’ll definetley check out them things for you, but it’ll have to be tomorrow as it’s real late here and I gotta dig holes in the ground tomorrow so I have to sleep now. So when I get home it’ll get my full attention
Cheers Phil