Kirupa caption

the kirupa caption tutorial doesnt seem to work with any scroller at all.

i searched all threads regarding this issue and couldnt find the right solution.

anyone had the same thing and fixed it ??!!!

can you please post a link to it. thanks:)

i don’t really understand what you mean… what kind of scroller? text scroller?

try removing this line in the timeline

startDrag(_root.caption, true);

and use this one in the movie clip caption

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (_root.x == 1) {
this._alpha = 50;
} else {
this._alpha = 0;
this._x = _root._xmouse;
this._y = _root._ymouse;

:wink: =)

I think this is what he is referring to and I am also confused:

yeah thats the link.
the problem is that when u drag the slider of any scroller and then hover back on any of the buttons that has the caption, the caption appears on the scroller and not on the button.

GOD BLESS U kax, ur advice worked fine. can u plz give me a glance of what exactly this code did ??

also, i wrote the code on the caption MC.


on another layer, the action layer, i kept this code “startDrag(_root.caption, true);” and it worked fine. the caption is not messing up anymore. should i remove this line or keep it ??
i tried with and without it and the problem is solved. what do u think?

ok… =)

i thought the scrollbar component used MovieClip.startDrag but it doesn’t [size=1]at least i couldn’t find it in its scripts[/size]… so i don’t know why you had problems in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

the thing is that you can’t drag two objects at the same time, the first object being dragged just stops :-\

so i replaced it with the script above. basically it just moves the _x and _y properties of the movie clip to _xmouse and _ymouse which obviously are the x and y location of the mouse :wink:

exactly - and dont forget to replace the caption string by = “” when you stop the caption. because sometimes ( i have no idead why though) a 0% opacity in a MC will still show the text… probably because it’s a dynamic text…

Originally posted by mlkdesign
…because sometimes ( i have no idead why though) a 0% opacity in a MC will still show the text… probably because it’s a dynamic text…

yup… you must embed the font outline :slight_smile: