Kirupa Crib Part Deux

What’s that poster on the wall in front of the comps? I can’t figure it out!!!

okee… I’ll follow along with Kit.

here’s my place, pets and all. I think I forgot the fish tank, but I’ll add that one in the future.
I even left my desk in its current state, because if I move anything right now, I dont know if I’ll ever find it again.

desk, pool table in game room, Rocky (parrot), Mad Mardigan (dog), house, kitchen with foosball table to the right (I think it made it into the pic… dont remember). oh, and my house is not bright yellow, just extremely low light and poor resolution. sorry.

you can barely tell, but my screen is open on Kirupaforum Of course! You can see Cheetahs, woodworking, even my Red Alert figurine in there… woo hoo…

“And if you look to your left, you’ll see the parthenon…”


where is the lawn jockey?


what’s a lawn jockey?




Yeah ok, why not?

This is where Dave does his thing. And the hansome young lad down the bottom would be Major…

Ah, I don’t have a pic of my place yet, 'cause I’m still living with my parents. Nice pics, Kitiara and Daveman. :slight_smile:

EDIT:: and of course Iammontoya! Huge!

But anyway, this is Kelly, my dog. A Rottweiler as well :slight_smile:

oh, yeah… and I love the pigtails!

hey kit, nice pics of your house, thanks for sharing! i really like the curvy mirror on the wall in your bedroom… its cool! nice pigtails too!!

no witty remark from Kitiara? Pom? Lost? Phil? Im shocked! Thought you’d make fun of the mess on my desk, or the books I have…

:-\ :*(

Iammontoya, nice Blue Cattle - I assume you are from the US? Are they a popular dog over there?


hey… whats this :!: :stuck_out_tongue:


Lasergun :stuck_out_tongue:

Here’s my contribution to the Kirupa Cribs:
It really sucks design wise, but I was just playing around with some effects.

<div align=“center”>[swf=“ height=300 width=400”][/swf]</div>

lmao thats really cool lava! :beam:

Woooow, cool movie you made there! :slight_smile:
Nice place, I like it a lot!

Whoa, I take a day off work and look what happens. :slight_smile:

OK, to clear up one or two things here. First, Phil’s comment about the TV positioning. The camera lies to you. The bed doesn’t have a headboard, and what you can see from the picture is the bottom end of it. The top of the bed is actually further to the right. :slight_smile: But I will agree, it does look weird.

Secondly, the Jack Daniels fan is James. As for whether the bottle pictured is the same one or different, I couldn’t say. There’s so many of the things around the place. One of our friends did a booze cruise to France and picked up a load of them. :slight_smile:

Can we talk about focus on a camera? hahahah… Just kidding.
That’s because they were taken with the video function, not the photo one. Everytime the flash went off it obscured the whole image (thanks to the mirror), so I used video instead. Otherwsie it’s a really good resolution camera.
Nice flat you’re got there. It looks quite big by the way. Aren’t you living in London?
I don’t live in London anymore, although I used to. This house is in Rainham in Kent. It’s a terrace, but has three bedrooms so it is quite roomy with just two of us living there. :slight_smile:
As Soul said, theres no real decent head shot, but someone wants us to know that someone has a mighty fine physique
Ha ha!
senocular, someone wants someone to know that another someone is probably gonna get that.
I don’t… :slight_smile:

Oh, I like the pool table, Montoya. :slight_smile: