Kirupa Cycling Club

Hello individuals and multiples,

I feel like we should have a “club” for something other than computer games. It’s starting to get warm in West (of Americana), and will be shortly in the east, I’m sure. Also I hear other parts of the world experience weather as well!!

So let’s talk about what kinds of bikes we have and talk about our rides and what not so we can motivate eachother and get KILLER CALVES.

I will start (you will follow).

I have a ~10 year old GT Palomar hand-me-down from my mom (It’s a guys bike, she’s really tall). It’s a rigid frame with mountain bike tires (yeah I don’t understand that either, I’m getting street tires soon). It’s blue and kinda gross and rattles but it’s a trusty little fellow so I like him. So that is my bicycle.

It’s ~65 ºF here today, so I went for a nice ride. I went 12.62 miles in 55 Minutes. Averaged 13.6 mph which is better than normal for me, I was averaging closer to 11.8 - 12 during the colder months. Was on mostly flat land, half urban half trail along the river in my city.

And now in foreign:
Oye, it’s aboot ~18.3 ºC 'ere t’day, so I fancied a bit of a ride. I travelled 20.31 kilometers in 55 kilominutes. Averaged 21.89 kph which is a tid better than normal for me, I was travelling but a mere (something slightly less - something slightly more but still less than the other one) during the months of winter past. I travelled primarily on even land, one half urban one half crumpet.

So I do believe I am not the only person here that rides on two wheeled machines and I think it would just be grand if we shared rides and goals and stuff.