Hello everybody!
First, sorry for my english, i’ll try to do my best.
So this is my problem:
- i downloaded the files for making the kirupa example countdown: http://www.kirupa.com/developer/mx/countdown2.htm
I’d like to be able to adapt it under php:
- On my website, i’ve to show, for each member who register, a countdown, and when it’s finished, it unlocks a part of the website.
So i hade in mind to do this:
- use the kirupa countdown to show the time remaining from the Subscription date to a date "Subscription date + X days or hours (depending on what kind of account registered).
So, i’d like to be able to define these two dates in php variables:
$unlock_date = ($subscription_date + X); (Where $subscription_date is a timestamp
time(); for actual time.
And after, compare and make the countdown from theses variables! In fact, i don’t want to have to define destination date in the AS, but call all the dates from PHP and after use a call of countdown:
Could you help me doing this? I don’t know how to replace time defined in AS with GET strings…
Thanks for your future help!