hmm so we goin with static now or what… it seems like thats the preference now… ill make an attempt i guess… heh
I threw this together super quick…
LOL nice font
i also like that spatter effect :thumb:
ok if we want this to actually happen we will have to come to an agreement. The Idea of having an interactive logo doesn’t work. Logos are usually vector images so they can be scale able and they are use to give an identity to a company or individual product (they don’t include a slogan). Now I’m sure people will object to make it vector only so I say let them be either raster or vector. The other problem I see with this Idea is we are not sure Kirupa would like the Idea of other people coming up with a logo under the name kirupa. Just In case he doesn’t I suggest we do the battle using your self (screen name) , your web site or maybe let each individual come up with a fictitious company. I haven’t participated in any battles and this would be a great one to start with.
dang lol turning into a static image thing again… mind if i make a suggestion?.. how about we keep cyber’s idea about ficticious company or screen name or whatever… he has a good point not to use kirupa’s name without his permission… but lets make it any type of advertisement we want for it… be it a logo, banner, even a popup style ad… any type of advertisement you can think of… and the original rules of anything goes stay…
anybody like this idea? (just a suggestion lol)
i dont want to make an advertisement, i need practice on logos… i think we should stick with Cybermorts full plan :thumb:
but with my idea you can make a logo if you want (its a whatever you want type of advertisement lol
yeah… i go for STATIC! and to have it vector will be great! =)
(animated logo…hhmmm… better luck next round)
OK, static it will be, then
can it be not animated, but changing according to mouse position. As in something interactive.
new thread started :