Hey guys!
I’m starting a web designer crew called “Royal Three” and I wan’t to see who can do the best logo for our crew.
All programs are allowed!
All methods are allowed!
Violence is allowed if needed…
So who’s up for it?
Hey guys!
I’m starting a web designer crew called “Royal Three” and I wan’t to see who can do the best logo for our crew.
All programs are allowed!
All methods are allowed!
Violence is allowed if needed…
So who’s up for it?
ha ha…
Smooth way to scum free work man.
Well if you wan’t to see it that way. Go ahead.
I just thought that it would be a good challenge for everyone because there isn’t any good battles around now.
And if I wanted to get a logo that I would use, I would do my own.
Make your own first then :bad:
*Originally posted by Ralle *
I’m starting a web designer crew called “Royal Three” and I wan’t to see who can do the best logo for our crew.
shot yourself in the foot there m8… :thumb:
I’m starting a web designer crew called “Royal Three” and I wan’t to see who can do the best logo for our crew.
And if I wanted to get a logo that I would use, I would do my own
hehe… why do you even try to have a battle then?
perhaps we wont do his for him… but maybe this could be a fun thing to do… maybe come up with a made up company name… and have a contest to make a logo for it… with the same rules as this guy came up with… any program… anything goes pretty much… that will get a good variety of stuff… anybody up for it? and if so any made up company names we could use?
How about Flash? :beam: Or Microsoft…
how about KIRUPA? =)
You got me all wrong!
I never meant that you guys should compete about who could do the best logo that I later on would use on my website.
I just thought it would be nice to see how different people see the aspects of the sentence “Royal Three”.
Therefor, a use of any program is necessary.
I’m not a sneaky b**stard who wants all the work done for me.
But this battle started out all wrong. So therefor it’s off.
I REPEAT: THE BATTLE IS CANCELLED!!! it’s off, finito, gone, whatever! I was just trying to be nice and set up a battle.
Thanks for your hospitality brother :thumb:
Although…The idea of a Kirupa logo battle sounds kinda nifty.
watermarks, lots and lots of watermarks…with encryption, yeah pixel encryption
yeah so wanna start a new thread for a kirupa logo battle?.. sounds fun… any platform would provide an interesting twist… just to see what people come up with… anybody up for it?
Great 1 nox, but then again, u stole my idea hehehe
Hey Ralle calm down m8, i dont think asphaltcowboy n Maximilian were tryin to upset u, I m interested in making a logo for royal 3, m already having ideas on that 1, hey it’s not bad to ask ur frnds for suggestions and stuff… come on guys give him some room…
I’m not a sneaky bstard who wants all the work done for me.** If he was, he wud have never told us clearly about his plans to start a new web designing company…
Can we design 2 logos? :-s
I m off for the nite, g.nite ppl
hey! don’t point the finger at me! I didnt do anything! I said “you shot yourself in the foot there m8” because it’s a n00bish thing to do in the battle forum… because people undoubtedly think you’re trying to steal work!
I’m sure his intentions towards this battle are completely honourable!
no pointing no finger m8
just trying to clear out the cloud of tension… i agree wid wat u said, he clealy shot himself in the foot, but he wanted to b clear about everything, u kno fair and square.So i d give him credit for that and seriously i dont mind if he uses the logo designed by me on his site, may b he ll help me in some way or the other in future;) u never know ( another professional theory- never make anyone unhappy) i kno u ll say"whos trying to b a professional here:P i just cant help it, in my blood i guess heheheh
I’ll have you know that my cloud is tension-free
Yes, fully credit to him - note how I didnt say anything after my first post
ok great asphalt, ya u just took one major exam u dont need any more tension anyway
hey i forgot to ask or read wat was tht exam all about?
My relative/frnd from surry also took an exam today, it was some test related to shares and all the commercial stuff, said he has to get 80% atleast or he ll have to reappear… wonder if u guys took the same exam :-s
anyway, talk to tomarrow, hope u guys finalize the battle
I m in to design both logos
Good Nite friends =)
hehe, nah, mine was a politics exam. I need about… 60% for it to have been useful
crosses fingers
nn m8
ah, what the heck…
heres a little somethin-somethin i whipped up, just for sh*ts and giggles…
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