Kirupa moderator named on radio station

yep. (only 200k)

Sweet Edwin. I can’t download it here… what’s the article about?

and why wasn’t I mentioned. :stuck_out_tongue:

hahah that’s pretty cool Edwin, what station was that? Kroq?

it was in london

your a star!, lol :slight_smile:

Thats pretty cool , congrats :smirk:

::where did you get this rating from? “one of the best artist on the net”?

i was wondering the same thing. i tihnk my stuff is pure crap.

where can I see your stuff so i can tell you if its crap or not??

Which station was it? You do mean London, England, right?

i went to your site edwin, and although there isn’t much there, i like that drawing (anchored by the words ‘coming soon’), it kinda reminded me of that game ICO… :evil:

i take it you drew that? me likes… :wink:

oh yeah, and what is that on his back? first i thought backpack, then i went back and thought giant fan, and now thinking some kind of generator… i dunno… :stuck_out_tongue:

Congrats man, that could be some great exposure man!

you said you thought your stuff was pure junk?

haha you crack me up. my stuff is pure junk, yours isnt!=)

skyes: I too im not sure what that thing is either. It seemed to fit tho so i kept it. Maybe its some kinda nuclear generator powerd fan? hehe

That is pretty cool. I wonder where they found your stuff at?

“genius” he said. That’s pretty cool vts, you got any way to contact him?

Edwin: You’re amazing, and if you don’t stop talking yourself down so much I think the mods are going to have to form an angry mob, fly out to cali and whoop your arse!! :bad: :stuck_out_tongue: :trout:

wow edwin- thats really cool. congrats! you deserve it=)

Seriously, your work is awesome! Congrats on being featured in the radio spot.

Kirupa :stuck_out_tongue:

*Originally posted by Jubba *
**Edwin: You’re amazing, and if you don’t stop talking yourself down so much I think the mods are going to have to form an angry mob, fly out to cali and whoop your arse!! :bad: :stuck_out_tongue: :trout: **

Seriously man. You talking down on your mad skills just makes us people who suck look at ourselves even worse. Your lack of self-confidence effects others negatively as well!!!

We will have an intervention if you aren’t willing to admit you are good :evil: You proved it right here… no one else here got honorable mentions on a radio station!

thanx lost. <3. i admit i have progressed a lot but im far from where i want to be. :slight_smile:

…[one of the] best computer artist on the net. that’s amazing. Do you still like jumping over things by the way? Remeber those days, edwin…you’d show me your art, i’d show you my actionscripts…glad to know at least one of us is still using our skills at this point.