i had an idea that we could do a kirupa mural. just an idea. if you dont know what a mural is, here’s an example:
nice idea… but how long would it be? lol :beam:
it’d depend on how many people, but each slice could be like 200 by 300 pixels or something like that.
that was started a couple of times and petered out … would be nice if someone could pull it off =)
We can :bad:
Oh no, do I smell a pink footer coming through?
dan… what happened to “asphalt’s nemesis” as your custom text? do you no longer ph34r me? btw… isn’t that the same as your cousin’s custom text? :sigh: so unoriginal
So unoriginal eh. . . .
Do you like pink footers too?
I’m being nice :love:
You know what? This kind of reminds me of the Three Stooges, only it’s the Three Dans…
<b>Runs from wrath of angry Dans</b>
breaks the Kit-Kat into tiny little pieces :evil:
rips the foil thingy
are we talking about the same thing?
Yes, unless she is wearing a tin foil bra you kinky bastard
Hehe, easy removal :thumb:
We are kinda cool being three dans and being cool and all, perhaps we should start a club or something :beam:
The DDD, no pun intended. . . .don’t want to be too stereotypical clan-ish.
Shall we? We can have logos and stuff :bad:
[SIZE=1](Inbox full American Dan)[/SIZE]
- Soul :s:
wee! fun…! but is (Ameri)Dan good looking?
are we 'llowing ugly people in ‘teh group’
Sounds like fun, I always have open web space, we can even have similar clan avatars and footers!
(Inbox is clean UK Dan #1)
*Originally posted by asphaltcowboy *
**wee! fun…! but is (Ameri)Dan good looking?
are we 'llowing ugly people in ‘teh group’**
I dunno, you tell me:
are you talking about that picture of your stomach?
nice stomach does not necessarily = good looking