Kirupa Scrolling text tutorial

I recently followed the kirupa tutorial for scrolling text…

and it works great. I just want to know how i can edit the text in the variable field. I need to bold somethings, and i am not sure how to do that within the variable field in the actions window. Is this possible, should i be using another scroller?

Thanks alot


Make the text field HTML enabled (by selecting it and clicking the ‘<>’ icon inthe properties pane) and use HTML tags to format your text (only supports HTML1[blod included <b></b>], look in macromedia’s site for more info on this).


For HTML tags supported by Flash:

These dont seem to work. For my text field the tutorial told me to set up a vatriable andput my text in an input box. So my field is empty and the text sits in the input box. It doesnt understand my html tags, just thinks it is more text?

I followed the tutorial above to create it, thanks for the flahs html tags, i will for sure use them once i get it working

Any more suggestions?

Ok, give an instance name of myTextField to your textfield.
Now place this code on your first frame:[AS]myTextField.html = true;
myTextField.htmlText = scrollableText;[/AS]And use html tags on your scrollableText text

I am having trouble getting that to work. It is this whole, variable thing that is throwing me. Cant i just have a block of text, and have it scrollable, why is the varibale needed? If i could just paste the text in the text field and have it scroll, i could then edit it…right?

Any way to do that without redoing it

Thanks again